The Tucson Conferences - Biennial
Since 1994, the biennial series "Toward a Science of Consciousness" conferences are a landmark of international, interdisciplinary events sponsored by the University of Arizona devoted entirely to unlocking the mysteries of consciousness. They have explored the whole spectrum of approaches from philosophy of mind and cognitive science, to neurobiology, pharmacology, and molecular dynamics, phenomenological accounts, and physics. The aim is to lay a sound scientific foundation for future research.
TSC - 2018 The Science of Consciousness - Tucson Conference
April 2-7, 2018
The Science of Consciousness
Loews Ventana Canyon
Tucson Arizona USA
TSC 2018 Abstract Book and Conference Program
TSC 2018 Plenary Sessions - VIDEOS
TSC 2018 General Conference Information
TSC 2018 Additional Program Info

2018 Conference Themes:
- Are We Living in a Matrix-like Simulation?
- Artificial Intelligence/Machine Consciousness
- Consciousness, Pain and Addiction
- Gene Editing and Consciousness
- Binding, Integration and Synthesis of Consciousness
- Brain Mapping and the Connectome
- Anterior and Posterior Cortex: What's 'Hot' and What's Not?
- Anesthetic and Psychoactive Drugs
- Language and Consciousness
- Non-Invasive Brain Modulation
- Origin and Evolution of Life and Consciousness
- Panpsychism, Idealism and Spacetime Geometry
- Quantum Brain Biology
- Time, Free Will and Consciousness
2 0 1 7 TSC - The Science of Consciousness - San Diego
2017 Plenary Session Videos from San Diego
2016 Plenary Session Videos from Tucson
2017 Noam Chomsky, Hartmut Neven, Roger Penrose and more
2017 Deepak Chopra - How We Create the Human Universe
2017 Integrated DEI East-West Forum Vision Talk Prof. PS Satsangi
2017 Conference Photos
2017 Updated Program Sheet (Program Updates June 1, 2017)
2017 Final Book of Abstracts (Abstracts, Program Book May 12. 2017)
i tunes
you tube

2017 Plenary Session Videos
Thank you to our sponsor,
The Alvin J. Clark Foundation for support in making these videos available to the general public
Additional Video with Speakers and Guests
Consciousness Central - The Daily Show -
Interviews with Speakers and Guests
Workshops - Videos
1. Deepak Chopra - How We Create the Human Universe
2. Integrated DEI East-West Forum
3. TSC 2017 Vision Talk Prof. PS Satsangi
2017 Conference Photos - A Collection of Daily Folders
credit: Brad Buhr

2 0 1 6 Tucson ARIZONA
The Science of Consciousness, April 25-30, 2016 - Tucson

Tucson - April 25-30, 2016
2016 Plenary Videos (youtube)
2016 Plenary Videos (iTunes)
2016 Science of Consciousness (book of Abstracts)
Plenary PL1-PL12 - Bios
2016 Science of Consciousness - Program Book
YouTube-2016 Plenary Videos
2016 Co-Sponsors
Stuart Hameroff, Center for Consciousness Studies, Tucson
George Mashour, Center for Consciousness Science, Ann Arbor
Conference Director, Abi Behar Montefiore
Center for Consciousness Studies, University of Arizona, Tucson
Conference Trailer - Video
YouTube-2016 Plenary Videos
2016 Program Book Final Version
Conference Flyer PDF-Final
Conference Release 1
Conference Flyer 2
Registration Brochure/Order Form and Cancellation Policy
JPEG artwork-flyer
Final Announcement March 31, 2016
"The Science of Consciousness Asks Big Questions" April 12, 2016
Program Book
2016 Abstracts
Conference Trailer 2016
Consciousness Central TV
Consciousness Central TV
TSC Playlist
Daily round up-
Nick Day, Host
highlights 2016
2016 Program Book Final Version
2016 -TSC April Tucson
TSC - Interviews released 2016

D. Chalmers, D. Chopra
Science of Consciousness Conference
Is Carnival of the Mind
by George Johnson
"Dispatch from the Desert of Consciousness Research" Part 1
"Dispatch from the Desert of Consciousness Research" Part 2
"Dispatch from the Desert of Consciousness Research" Part 3
"Dispatch from the Desert of Consciousness Research" Part 4
by John Horgan
JCS Vol. 23, No. 9-10, September/October 2016 ...
2016/Conference Report. 226, All Roads Lead to Consciousness:
The Science of Consciousness, Tucson 2016. Logan T. Trujillo ...
Science of Consciousness TSC, Loews Ventana Canyon Hotel Tucson, Tucson - April 25-30, 2016
2016 Plenary Bios
2016 TSC "The Science of Consciousness" - Book of Abstracts and Program
2016 Plenary Videos (youtube)
2016 Plenary Videos (iTunes)
2016 TSC 2016 Feature for 2016 TSC Tucson
2016 Consciousness Chronicles-Videos
2016 Consciousness Central - The Daily Show from TSC Tucson
2016 Consciousness Central 2016 Tucson
Consciousness Chronicles
TSC -Media files
Conference Trailer - Video
YouTube-2016 Plenary Videos
Program Book Final Version 2016
Conference Flyer PDF-Final
Conference Release 1
Conference Flyer 2
Registration Brochure/Order Form and Cancellation Policy
JPEG artwork-flyer
CCS Releases Final Announcement March 31, 2016
AHSC Memo "The Science of Consciousness Asks Big Questions" April 12, 2016
Program Book 2016 Abstracts
Conference Trailer 2016 Consciousness Central TV
Consciousness Central TV TSC Playlist
Daily round up Nick Day, Host
Co-Sponsored Conferences
Poetry Slam/Zombie Blues
Consciousness Bulletins
2008-2015-Film Video Interviews

2 0 1 4 Tucson ARIZONA
It was 20 years ago today

20th Anniversary, D. Cantrell
2 0 1 4 Tucson ARIZONA
2014, Toward a Science of Consciousness-20th Anniversary,
"Tucson X1" - April 21-26, 2014, Marriott - University Park
University of Arizona, co-chaired by
Stuart Hameroff and David Chalmers
Abi Behar Montefiore, Conference Manager
Toward a Science of Consciousness
Organized & Hosted by the

Brain Mapping Symposium
UA College of Medicine Auditorium
Sponsored by The Center for Consciousness Studies
Henry Markram, Christof Koch, Anirban Bandyopadhyay held 4/24/14
University of Arizona Health Sciences Center, UMC Duval Auditorium

The 1st Bhaumik Prize in Consciousness Studies was awarded to
Sir Roger Penrose at the TSC 2014 Conference for significant
research toward understanding consciousness............more
2014 VIDEO - TSC
Consciousness Central Daily roundup of events
interviews with TSC 2014 Plenary Speakers
Selections from the Plenary Sessions
2 0 1 2 Tucson ARIZONA
The 10th Biennial - Toward a Science of Consciousness
April 9-14, 2012 TUCSON, ARIZONA
Link to 2012 TSC Abstracts
Blackmore and Chopra
2012, Toward a Science of Consciousness- The 10th Biennial, "Tucson X" - April 9-14, 2012, Loews Ventana Canyon Resort
illustration by D. Cantrell
2 0 1 0 Tucson ARIZONA
The 9th biennial Toward a Science of Consciousness
Link to 2010 TSC Abstracts
2010, Toward a Science of Consciousness, "Tucson IX" - April 12-17, 2010, Tucson Convention Center

2008, Toward a Science of Consciousness, "Tucson VIII" - April 8-12, 2008, Tucson Convention Center

2 0 0 8 Tucson ARIZONA
The 8th biennial Toward a Science of Consciousness
Link to 2008 TSC Abstracts
2006, Toward a Science of Consciousness"Tucson VII" -April 4-8, 2006, Tucson Convention Center
2004, Toward a Science of Consciousness, "Tucson VI" -April 7-11, 2004, Tucson Convention Center
2002, Toward a Science of Consciousness, "Tucson V" -April 8-12, 2002, Tucson Convention Center
2000, Toward a Science of Consciousness, "Tucson IV" - April 10-15, 2000, Tucson Convention Center
1998, Toward a Science of Consciousness, "Tucson III" -April 27-May 2, 1998, University of Arizona
1996, Toward a Science of Consciousness, "Tucson II" -April 8-13, 1996, University of Arizona
1994, Toward a Scientific Basis for Consciousness, "Tucson I" -April 12-17, 1994, University of Arizona
Tucson Vintage - Archive-early days 1994-2007

Co-Sponsored Conferences
Poetry Slam/Zombie Blues
Consciousness Bulletins
The Times Higher, April 5, 1996
Special Edition
Toward a New Science of the Mind:
Tucson 1996 consciousness

International TSC Conferences
On the alternate years of the biennial TSC, an international conference is held overseas in cooperation with
partner organizations and institutions - cities have included: Helsinki, Agra, Stockholm, Hong Kong, Salzburg, Budapest, Skovde,
Tokyo, Prague, Copenhagen, Vienna, Naples-Ishchia, Elsinore,
by year:
1995 Ischia, Italy;
1997, Elsinore, Denmark;
1999, Tokyo, Japan;
2001, Skovde, Sweden;
2003, Prague, Czech Republic;
2005, Copenhagen, Denmark;
2007, Vienna, Austria;
2007, Budapest, Hungary;
2009, Hong Kong, China;
2011, Stockholm, Sweden;
2013, Agra, India;
2015, Helsinki, Finland;
2015 Helsinki Consciousness Central TV
2017 San Diego, California;
2019 -.... tbh Interlaken Switzerland
Quantum Mind Conferences
Quantum Mind 1
Flagstaff, AZ 1999

Quantum Mind 2
Tucson, AZ 2003

Quantum Mind Conferences
Quantum Mind 2003
QM2 The second Quantum Mind conference was held in March 2003 at the Tucson Convention Center. - Over 300 participants attended.
Quantum Mind Conferences
1999 QM-1 Quantum Approaches Program
QM1 Quantum Mind Conference 1999 - The first Quantum Mind conference was held at Northern Arizona University in Flagstaff, Arizona in August 1999 Over 100 participants attended.
List Serv Discussions - QuantumMind Archives
The Quantum Mind Archives documents the messages and
discussions that occurred via the Quantum Mind List Serv Discussions
that ran actively from 1998-2001.
Search or Browse the Archives
Early Publications
Toward a Scientific Basis for Consciousness
1994 "Tucson I"
April 12-17, 1994
University of Arizona
Selected papers published by MIT Press
Toward a Science of Consciousness: The First Tucson Discussions and Debates, 1996, ISBN 0-262-08249-7.
Toward a Science of Consciousness
1996 "Tucson II"
April 8-13, 1996
University of Arizona
Toward a Science of Consciousness II | The MIT Press
The first volume of Toward a Science of Consciousness is now considered a resource book for the emerging field. This volume presents a selection of invited ...
Toward a Science of Consciousness
1998 "Tucson III"

Archives-Quantum Mind
Oldies But Goodies
Moral Phenomenology
Consciousness in Copenhagen
Picture Slide Show by Robert van Gulick

The First TCC
