Highlights from 2014 - Archives
Program and Abstracts-2014
12 Plenary Sessions
Plenary & Keynote Speakers Bios and Photos
2 Art-Tech Health Sessions
18 Pre-Con Workshops
Toward a Science of Consciousness Conference 20th Anniversary - April 21-26 2014
Interviews with Plenary Speakers
Links to 2014 Plenary Sessions and Panel Discussions
Sponsored by The Center for Consciousness Studies
The Bhaumik Prize supporting Consciousness Research highlights the celebration of the TSC 20th Anniversary program as a special feature to commemorate the twentieth anniversary of the TSC-CCS conference and the support of continued research in the field of consciousness studies. Dr. Bhaumik is a visiting scholar at the UCLA Department of Physics and Astronomy. A physicist, author, lecturer, entrepreneur and philanthropist who made significant contributions to laser technology and the development of the excimer laser at Northrop Corp. Research and Technology Center.
Campus Talks during the 20th Anniversary Week
Conference Schedule
April 21-26, 2014
Monday, April 21, 2014
Tuesday, April 22, 2014
1:45p-4:15p: Conference Opening
P L E N A R Y 1
The Hard Problem: Twenty Years On
David Chalmers, Daniel Dennett, Donald Hoffman
Wednesday, April 23, 2014
P L E N A R Y 2
8:30 am to 10:40 am
Attention and Consciousness
Michael Graziano, Alison Gopnik, Ned Block
P L E N A R Y 3 - Keynote
11:10 am to 12:30 pm
Consciousness in the Universe
Sir Roger Penrose
P L E N A R Y 4
2:00 pm to 4:10 pm
Subjectivity and Objectivity
Rebecca Goldstein, John Searle, Deepak Chopra
Thursday, April 24, 2014
P L E N A R Y 58:30 am to 10:40 am
Brain Networks and Consciousness
Bernard Baars, Henry Markram, Karl Deisseroth
P L E N A R Y 6
11:10 am to 12:30 pm
Time and Consciousness
David Eagleman, Julia Mossbridge
/ optional
Brain Mapping Symposium
Henry Markram, Christof Koch and Anirban Bandyopadhyay
UMC - Duval auditorium
Friday, April 25, 2014
P L E N A R Y 7
P L E N A R Y 8
11:10 am -12:30 pm
Integrated Information Theory
Christof Koch, Giulio Tononi
P L E N A R Y 9
2:00 pm to 4:10 pm
Quantum Approaches: Twenty Years On
Max Tegmark, Stuart Hameroff, Anirban Bandyopadhyay
5:00p-7:00p: C o n c u r r e n t s
7:00p-10:00p: Art Tech Demos
Saturday, April 26, 2014
P L E N A R Y 10
8:30 am to 10:40 am
Death and Consciousness
Sam Parnia, George Mashour, Susan Blackmore
P L E N A R Y 11
11:10 am to 12:30 pm
Mind Uploading
Ken Hayworth, Natasha Vita-More
P L E N A R Y 12
Closing Session
2:00 pm to 4:10 pm
Panel: The next 20 years
End of Consciousness Party
Wednesday and Friday Evenings:
Tuesday and Wednesday evenings
Thursday - Free Afternoon
Side Trips, Optional
Skyline Dinner, Optional
Optional Side Trips
Optional Evening Dinner
with conference rates
$69 free breakfast, free parking; appro 1.5 miles
from the Marriott - Shuttle Service to Marriott
350 South Fwy, Tucson, AZ 85745 (520) 239-2300
www.alofttucsonuniversity.com/Aloft Tucson University
1900 E Speedway Blvd, Tucson, AZ 85719
(520) 908-6800 or 908-6820
registration links for 2014 are closed.
Conference Registration Online-closed
Registration Form - pdf
Friday night
April 25, 2014
Poetry Slam/Zombie Blues-Marriott Ballroom
TSC's Poetry Slam - Zombie Blues
Saturday night
Reporters, Journalists, Broadcasters
Contact: center@u.arizona.edu
Additional Links
University Main Gate
Main Gate Merchants
4th Avenue
UA Visitor Guide
Campus Parking
Parking and Transportation
Town Car Service (also service to Phoenix)
Additional Taxi Services
Discount 520-388-9000
Yellow 520-300-0000
Jeanni's 520-889-8294
VIP Taxi - 520-300-3000