2017  Plenary Sessions Science of Consciousness San Diego Conference

and Additional Workshops.





JUNE 5-10, 2017

Hyatt Regency Hotel - La Jolla

San Diego, California


PL 1   Can Machines Be Conscious ?

Roger Penrose, Joscha Bach, Harmut Neven

PL 2   Language and Consciousness

Thomas Bever, Michael Spivey, Noam Chomsky

PL 3   Biophysics 1 - Memory Spin Anesthesia

Matthew Fisher, Travis Craddock

PL 4   Non-Invasive Brain Stimulation

Vince Clark, John Allen, Marvin Berman, Michael Rohan

PL 5   Physics, Cosmology and Consciousness

Ivette Fuentes, Brian Keating, James Tagg

PL 6   Music and the Brain

Elaine Chew, Scott Makeig

PL 7  Neuroscience and Consciousness 1

Stephen Grossberg, Georg Northoff, Philip Low

PL 8   Neuroscience and Consciousness 2 - Anomalies

Daniel Sheehan, Peter Fenwick, Lakhmir Chawla

PL 9  Biophysics Memristors in the Brain?

Leon Chua, Jack Tuszynski

PL 10 Neuroscience and Consciousness 3

Gentry Patrick, VS Ramachandran, Charles Stevens

PL 11 Vibrations, Resonance and Consciousness

Anirban Bandyopadhyay, Jonathan Schooler, Erick Viirre

PL 12 Eastern Philosophy

Xu Yingjin, Deepak Chopra*

PL 13 Origin and Evolution of Life and Consciousness

Bruce Damer, Alysson Muotri, Stuart Hameroff



Additional Workshops

*Deepak Chopra - How We Create the Human Universe

June 6, 2017



Dayalbagh Educational Institute DEI East West Forum

June 5, 2017

                                                       Prof. PS Satsangi (You Tube)

             workshop and exchange with Science of Consciousness Conference, San Diego

            (June 5, 2017) Panel Discussion.mp4

                                        Panel Discussion (You Tube)



              Brad Buhr and Noah Buhr, Photographers


Additional Materials


San Diego JUNE 5-10, 2017


Updated Program (June 1, 2017)

Book of Abstracts (May 12. 2017)


Thank you to our sponsor Alvin J. Clark Foundation for support in making these videos available to the general public.