1994 "Tucson I" Conference Flyer London Times Higher Education Supplement prepared a special insert
mailed in spring 1993 for "Tucson II" and uploaded audio recordings of all plenary talks each evening.
Scientific American article chronicled Tucson II conference ...as did the Daily Wildcat

Consciousness Bulletin 1997
Can Neuroscience Explain Consciousness?
Society for Neuroscience Satellite Symposium
Organized by the Center for Consciousness Studies
at The University of Arizona
Sponsored by the Fetzer Institute
October 25, 1997

Consciousness Bulletin 1998 (.pdf file)

Naples and Ischia, Italy
Emotion, Qualia and Consciousness
October 19-24, 1998
Copenhagen and Elsinore, Denmark

The Brain and Self Workshop
August 18-24, 1997
Consciousness Bulletin 1999 (.pdf file)

Facilitating Emotional Awareness
1999 Consciousness Studies Summer Institute
July 13-17, 1999
The Seasons, Fetzer Institute, Kalamazoo, Michigan
......and the Tucson Weekly
Tucson, Arizona provides the setting of the
Toward a Science of Consciousness conferences.

Discussions started in poster sessions sometimes
carry on until the lights are switched off.

Quantum Brain Theory and Consciousness
- Lecture by Prof. Hameroff -
DATE: Octorber 3 (Saturday), 1998
TIME: 14:00-16:30
PLACE: Advanced Medical Research Center for Heavy Ions,
National Institute of Radiological Sciences (NIRS), STA, Japan
9-1, Anagawa-4, Inage-ku, Chiba-shi 263-8555 JAPAN

Quantum Approaches to Consciousness
July 28-August 1, 1999
Flagstaff, Arizona
Quantum Mind 1999
The first Quantum Mind conference was held at Northern Arizona University
in Flagstaff, Arizona in August 1999. Over 100 participants attended.
Toward a Science of Consciousness
- Fundamental Approaches -
Tokyo '99, May 25-28, 1999
United Nations University, Tokyo, Japan
Sponsored by The Center for Consciousness Studies at the University of Arizona
April 8 - 15, 2000 * Tucson, Arizona

The second Quantum Mind conference was held in March 2003 at the Tucson Convention Center.
Over 300 participants attended.

Co-sponsored conferences
Summer, 2007 Salzburg, Austria

Quantum Mind 3
July 17-21, 2007
University of Salzburg
Budapest, Hungary

Toward a Science of Consciousness July 23-27, 2007
Hungarian Foundation for Cognitive Science, Eotvos University

a whole page of history and clippings here!