Pre-Conference Workshop Schedule


Click on Workshop title/authors to see abstract and details


Monday April 3, 2006

9 am – 1 pm

TCC Mohave Room

Neuroscience Approaches to Visual Awareness
Susana Martinez-Conde and Stephen L. Macknik

TCC Greenlee Room

Philosophical Theories of Consciousness
Uriah Kriegel


TCC Gila Room

Intersubjectivity and the Second Person:

Empathy and Ethics
Katharine A. McGovern and Bernard J. Baars  

Monday April 3

2 pm – 6 pm

TCC Mohave Room

Temporal and spatial analysis of electroencephalographic signals
Walter Freeman and Rodrigo Quiroga

TCC Maricopa Room

Consciousness and Psychoanalysis
Mark Solms

TCC Greenlee Room

Toward a science of contemplative practice:

Issues, findings, and experiential training in meditative quiescence
Clifford Saron and Alan Wallace

TCC Gila Room

Teaching Consciousness

Sue Blackmore


TCC Apache Room
Presence and Consciousness in Virtual Environments
Mel Slater and Maria Sanchez-Vives


Tuesday  April 4

9 am – 1 pm

TCC Mohave Room

What Can Brain Imaging Tell Us About Consciousness?

Hakwan Lau


TCC Maricopa Room
Noam Sagiv

TCC Greenlee Room

Observing the Mind: Basic Training in Skillful Introspection

Charles T. Tart


TCC Gila Room
Entangled Minds
Dean Radin

TCC Coconino Room

Intracellular and Quantum Aspects of Consciousness
Nancy J. Woolf, Jack Tuszynski, Stuart Hameroff

TCC Apache Room

William James and the Golden Age of Consciousness Science.
Bernard J. Baars