Instructions for Poster Presenters
Poster Sessions have been renumbered for indexing in the abstract book
(Formerly) Poster Session 1, Wednesday, April 5, 7:00 pm to 10:00 pm
now consists of Poster Sessions 1-6 (P1-P6)
(Formerly) Poster Session 2, Friday, April 7, 7:00 pm to 10:00 pm
now consists of Poster Sessions 7-12 (P7-P12)
All Poster Sessions will remain in TCC Meeting Rooms
Wednesday April 5, 7:00 pm to 10:00 pm
TCC Meeting Rooms
Poster Session 1 (Philosophy)
Michael Bruno
Monitoring Theories of Consciousness and Introspective Richness
Brian Fiala
Phenomenal Unity, Mereology, and the Individuation of Experience
Chia-hsin Ko
A New Approach to the Problem of Other Minds
Chien-Hui Chiu
The significance of phenomenal consciousness: Why blindsight and neglect syndromes cannot undermine the function of phenomenal consciousness
Gabriel Mograbi
Emergent Properties And Decision-Making: A Critique of Libet’s Account of “Free Will”
Colin Hales
Empirically testing the mind-brain identity theorem, a route to a kind of new science
Justin Fisher
Color Representations as Hash Values
Kristin Schaupp
Conceivability Reconsidered: On Limiting the Power of Zombies
Aaron Nitzkin
Phenomenology, knowledge, cognition, and the function of consciousness
Nicholas Georgalis
Subjectivists and Objectivists on Secondary Qualities: A Pseudo-Dispute
John Lin
The mechanical implementation of consciousness
Valerie Stansfield
Concepts of the Self
Jennifer Matey
The 'Mind': Three Problems it Cannot Account For
Joe Marchal
Z-Counselors: Consciousness, Counseling, Empathy and Emotions
Peng Chien
The Case Against Alva Noë’s Sensorimotor Approach --- Our Visual World is Truly a Grand Illusion
Charles Tart
A Future for Dualism as an Empirical Science?
Stephen Deiss
Why the natural world does not work without qualia and consciousness of them
Ta Lun Huang
The Significance of Emotion: A Defense of Phenomenalism Against Representationalism
Yoshifumi Ikejiri
Perceptual consciousness is more than the head?
Stephen Bostock
Do insects see or ‘see’? A significant issue for the evolution of consciousness
Andrew Brook
The Representational Base of Consciousness
Diana Gasparian
A few words about the type of relations between mind and body
Poster Session 2 (Neuroscience)
Anthony Hudetz
The Anesthetized Unconscious: A State With Consicous But Forgotten Contents?
Eduard Alto
Visual Constancy and the Properties of Receptive Fields
Joel Alexander
Increased P300 Event Related Potential Amplitude During Self Evaluation Task: A Replication
Walter Riofrio
Different Neurons Population Distribution correlates with Topologic-Temporal Dynamic Acoustic Information Flow
Benjamin Kozuch
The Difference Between Consciousness and Reportability: Neuroanatomical Restrictions on Phenomenal Reports
Poster Session 3 (Cognitive Science and Psychology)
Andrew Bailey
Implications of the Embodied Cognition Paradigm for the Study of Consciousness
Bart VanVoorhis
Unconscious Semantic Activation in Brightness and Duration Judgment Tasks
Eve Isham
Unconscious processing of unattended words
Carl Flygt
Conversation Theory: An Organizing Principle for Consciousness Research
Caroline Horton
Comparing the Characteristics of Autobiographical Memories and Memories for Dreams
Charles Licata
Loss of Awareness in Alzheimer's disease (AD): Insight and Legal Liabilities in the United States
Christopher Nicholas
Understanding the neural correlates of self-awareness through diffusion tensor imaging of anosognosia in Alzheimer’s disease
Shun-Pin Hsu
How the Two Visual Systems Hypothesis “Neglects” the Sensorimotor Approach
Fred Kocks
Toward a Network Model of the Mind
Iwama Kenzo
A Robotic Program that produces Concepts and Introspection
James Kent
Signal Theory: Towards a Unified Theory of Psychedelic Action
Josiah Shindi
Being Consciously Alert During Undergraduate Class of Psychopathology
Lynn Rasmussen
Toward Empirical Investigation of the Self: Reframing the Dynamics of Emotion and Consciousness as a System of Systems Processes
Marek McGann
Goal Dynamics and Mental Contents
Jonny Smallwood
The restless mind: Mind wandering as the privatisation of executive processes
Yacov Sharir Resolving order in chaos: navigation in complex data sets
Paul Jablonka Mechanics of Consciousness
Robin Bowers
Applying Damasio’s Neurological Theory of Consciousness to Violent, Self-Defeating Behavior
Ross Levin
Nightmares, PTSD and Affect distress: A Proposed Neurocognitive Model of Nightmare Production
Shun-pin Hsu
How the Two Visual Systems Hypothesis “Neglects” the Sensorimotor Approach
Tamara Astakhova
Lucid Dreams and Semantic Analysis
Tyler Lonczak
Measuring Wisdom with the Berlin Paradigm: A first look at using untrained raters
Whit Blauvelt
The masking of consciousness in voice-twined prospective arrays
Poster Session 4 (Physical and Biological Sciences)
Angela Bruzzo
The chaotic epigenesis of self
Vadim Astakhov
Dynamic core mathematics for complex systems and delocalization of consciousness
Anatoly Goldstein
Towards Physical Interpretation of Complex Spacetime Based Models of Non-local Consciousness
Bruce Carruthers
Roles of consciousness in the clinical use of the biopsychosocial model of illness
Danielle Graham
Experimental Data Demonstrating Extraordinary Human-Generated Ambient Geomagnetic Field and Gravitational Force Augmentation
Erik Douglas
Temporology, Category Theory, and the Scientific Study of Consciousness: Interdisciplinary Bridging Principles for your Methodological Toolbox
Roulette Smith
Evolution and Long-Term Memories in Humans: Implications for Theoretical and Clinical Research on Consciousness and the Transpersonal
Francisco Lopez III
Consciousness in Transition
Jeremy Horne
The Transition Between Life and Death - Exploring the Parameters
Jose Monserrat
The Wings of Imagination - the missing link in the origin of consciousness?
Melinda Connor Oscillation of Amplitude as Measured by an Extra Low Frequency Magnetic Field Meter as a Biophysical Measure of Intentionality
Reginald Humphreys
Defining a Science of Fractal Consciousness
Richard Shoup
Turing, Psi, and Consciousness
Thomas Schumann
Quantum Theory and Conscious Experience
Roberto Gonzalez-Plaza
Did the mind evolve?
Poster Session 5 ( Experiential Approaches)
BG Colby
Effects of Meditation Practice on University Teaching and Adult Education
Four Arrows Jacobs
The Fear Hypothesis and Indigenous Worldview: Hypersuggestibility and automaticity during apprehensive states as destructive or constructive depending upon worldview orientation
Fred Patrizi
Ego-consciousness as a Flight into Disturbance
Herb Korpell
Top Ten Benefits of Determinism
Julie Beischel
Are research mediums real? A triple-blind study of anomalous information reception
Scott Jackson
The Foundation for a Pragmatic Epistemology of the Imagination
Sergio Basbaum
Consciousness and Perception: The Point of Experience and the Meaning of the World We Inhabit
Sheryl Attig
Remote Diagnosis of Medical Conditions: A Double-Blind Experiment of Medical Intuition
Susan W Schwartz
Closing the divide: Phenomenological Perspectives on Transformations of Consciousness During Healing in the Context of Life-Threatening Illness
Jesse Bettinger
A heuristic model of consciousness: as seen by the philosopher-coach
Siddharth Arora
Radical Transformation of Consciousness: Myth or Reality
Olga Louchakova
Ontopoiesis and the Self: Phenomenological Investigations of Egological and Non-Egological Condition
Sol Weingarten
How consciousness determines human behavior: Achieving behavioral transformation through an understanding of the duality of consciousness
Poster Session 6 (Culture and Humanities)
Brandon Harwood
Imaginative Freedom in Comparative Meditation: A Cross-Cultural Analysis of Meditation Techniques
Christina Miranda de Almeida
Art and Consciousness
Diana Slattery
DomeWorks: Perception, Reflection, and Projection in the Dome of Consciousness
Donald Dulchinos
When Wires Collide: Neural Correlates and Neural Prosthetics
Helen Kogan
Science of Acting and Consciousness: Discoveries in Consciousness from the laboratory of the rehearsal room
Katherine Schmidt
Levels of awareness: greater alteration of self and self efficacy through directed interactive experiential learning in the writing classroom
Koen Stroeken
Physical dualism: meaning, now
Ted Hazelton
Morals, Minds and Consciousness
Lluis Oviedo
Testing Religious Accounts of Consciousness: The Case for the Christian View
Oren Kalus
To make the familiar strange - aesthetic derealization in the work of Alberto Giacometti
Peter Anders
Comprehensive Space: Harnessing Consciousness in Architecture and Design
Ravi Vatrapu
Human Consciousness as an Ontological Solution in Search of an Epistemological Problem: Introducing the Intercultural Intersubjectivity Framework
Kristen Corman
Emotion, visual-haptic correlation in motor action, simulation, and similarity of motion-style in machine metaphors in literature: skywriting and rail-writing in Woolf and Dickens
Veres Zoltan
Experience and the Concept of Play
William Haney
Consciousness and the Short Story
Friday April 7, 7:00 pm to 10:00 pm
TCC Meeting Rooms
(first author and title - abstracts to be available soon)
Poster Session 7 (Philosophy)
Allan Combs
Integral Methodological Pluralism: Multiple Perspectives in the Study of Consciousness
Anthony Sebastian
Defining “Experience” As Prerequisite To Explaining “Conscious Experience”
Bhausaheb Biradar
The Hard Problem of Matter, Baars Notion of Subjectivity, and Bolstering the Relevance of Consciousness in Science
Caleb Liang
Perception and Demonstrative Concepts
Charles Fox
Consciousness and the Pseudonoumenal
Chris Schriner
Joseph Levine’s Problem of Duality
George Kampis
Causality in the Thinking Body
Jeff Ruan
A Virtual Labeling Account of Amodal Perception
Katalin Mund
Buddhism implies dualism
Keith Turausky
Metaphorical Heterophenomenology: Vim vs. the Anti-Matrix
Kevin Vallier
Finding middle ground between Chalmers' functionalism and Searle's anti-functionalism: A Neutral Monist Third Way
Mark Pestana
Quality As Existence
Laura Weed
A Relational View of Self and Mind
Meurig Beynon
Radical Empiricism and the Science of Consciousness: Meanings beyond Intention and Description
Michael Cerullo
Psychiatrists demand consciousness: Or the need for the middle road between Chalmers’ hard and easy problems.
Morey Kitzman
Qualia Re-visited
Jonas Coelho
Critique of Searle’s Interpretation of the Ontological Statute of Freud’s Unconscious
Jeffrey Strayer
General Forms and Characteristics of Consciousness and Their Relevance to an Artistic Problem
Vadim Vasilyev
Why Is It So Difficult to Find Neural Correlates of Consciousness?
Jorge Morales
The Hard Problem: A Twofold Solution
Michael Lipkind
Definition of Rudimentary Psychic Act and a New Conception of Volition
Shannon Foskett
Are Semiosis and Consciousness Co-extensive? Charles S. Peirce, Semiotic Metaphysics and Complexity Theory
Jerry Josties
Reflections on the Mysteries of Physics and Neuroscience - Suggestions for a New Explanatory Metanarrative
Richard Loosemore
Consciousness and the Relativity of Science
Iris Oved
Exploring the Role of Qualia in the Intentionality of Thought
Poster Session 8 (Neuroscience)
Lynda Shaw
Unconscious Processing of High and Low Valence Visual Stimuli: An fMRI Analysis
Maria Alice Ornellas Pereira
Depression, Brain Glucose Metabolism and Consciousness
Peter Walling
EEGo: A new computer software which generates live movies of reconstructed brain attractors
Ram Mishra
Effect of Meditation on Plasma Beta-Endorphins in Humans
Russell Hebert
A phase synchrony model of consciousness
Poster Session 9 (Cognitive Science and Psychology)
Alain Morin
Levels of consciousness: Recent proposals
Alfred Levinson
Intuitive Processes as Forms of the Unconscious - Conscious Spectrum
Carlos Alberto Ferreira
The Role of Play in Developing Superior Psychological Functions in Institutionalized and Non-institutionalized children under a Vygotskian Perspective
David Glanzer
Empathy: Interpersonal Adaptive Resonance Networks
Joao Leao
Do Quantum Brains Dream of Entangled Sheep?
Karen Gilbert
The Strength of the Weak: An Alternative to a Global Theater of the Mind
Knud Thomsen
Emotions in a Self-representational Theory of Consciousness
Kozmova Miloslava
Differences in Thought Architecture of Male and Female Dreamers
Colin DeYoung
The Sources of Insight: Conscious and Unconscious Problem Solving
Mark Evan Furman
NeuroPrint: Revealing the Mysteries of Consciousness via "Mind Imaging" of Cognitive Architecture
Melvin Lyon
Time-Patterns in Behavior as Signs of the Organization of Neural Activity Leading to Conscious Thought: Examples from Schizophrenic,
Anxiety Disorder and Normal Subjects.
Raymond A Mar
Good stories reduce the stressful entropy of traumatic experiences
Richard Sieb
Consciousness And Adaptive Behavior
Robert Christie
Neuroscience, Mystical States, and Quadratic Consciousness: A Contemporary Model of Mind and Preliminary Field Test Results
Roberta Lorenzetti
In and out of focus. Attention and empathy in autobiographical memory
Poster Session 10 (Physical and Biological Sciences)
Carol Look
Power of Energy Medicine: Restoring Health and Balance with Meridian Therapy
Audrey Brooks
Interaction of Distant Johrei and Patient Belief in Receiving Johrei on Health Outcomes: A Double-Blind Study
Christopher Menant
Evolution of Representations. From basic life to Self-representation and Self-consciousness
Gottfried Suessenbacher
Self-Consciousness and the Evolution of Conscience
Helmut Wautischer
Systemic Family Constellation Work in Clinical Perspective: Multigenerational Consciousness Fields Linked to Illness Formation
J Kenneth Arnette
Of Brains and Branes: String Theory and Consciousness
James Beichler
From the Nature of Life to Consciousness
John Sanfey
Constraints on a Physical Explanation of Consciousness arising from the Dynamics of Observation within a Continuum of Change
Matti Bergstrom
The complex number space of brain's self and Bohm's mind-matter theory
Raymond Pavloski
Models of Subjectivity: Latent Emergent Order and Its Detection in Attractor Networks
Uzi Awret
Cognition, Recognition and the Immune System
Sean Lee
What is the Algorithmic Complexity of Subjective Experience?
Valeriy Bulitko
On Logic and Consciousness
Travis Craddock
Cellular Automata Model of a Microtubule Using a Double Potential Well Found in Tubulin
Venkateswaran Nagarajan
On the Concept of Post Synaptic Current Tunneling Towards Modeling the Thought Process
Werner Krieglstein
Toward a New Philosophy of Nature and a Naturalistic Foundation of Community: Implications of Synchronicity and the Emerging
Science of Spontaneous Order
Poster Session 11 (Experiential Approaches)
T.R. Anantharaman
Consciousness in the spiritual traditions of India
Marek Maciejczak
System of consciousness. Husserl's theory from the perspecive of autopoietic systems.
Adam Rock
What is a Shamanic Pattern of Phenomenal Properties?
Alex Shahom Kohav
Expanded Sensory Consciousness (ESC) versus Pure Consciousness Experience (PCE)
Arthur Hastings
Effects of the Psychomanteum Process on States of Consciousness and Bereavement
Bill Potter
The Buddhist Science of Mind and the Western Mandala of Consciousness
David Scharf
A New Angle on the Neural Correlates of Consciousness: Insights from Maharishi Vedic Science
Denise Otteson
Consciousness—it’s Greek to me: The Origin of Plato’s Dualism in the Near-Death Experience
Jack Petranker
Being Conscious Differently: A Complementary Approach to Phenomenological Research into Consciousness
Joel Krueger
Empathy Externalized: Kitaro Nishida, Zen, and the Structure of the Extended Mind
John Sullivan
Is fetal NREM the archetype for deep meditative state’s of consciousness?
Judith Blackstone
Nondual Awareness and the Mutual Transparency of Self and Other
Katya Rubia
The effect of Meditation on the behaviour of children with Attention Deficit-Hyperactivity Disorder
Liora Birnbaum
The use of different states of consciousness in social work training
Marc Kurtzman
Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Emotional Reactivity and Wisdom Assessment of Meditators and Non-Meditators
Sakari Kallio
Neutral hypnosis affects the frontal functional connections of the brain
Simon Golosheykin
Psychophysiological characteristics of meditation state
Talia Welsh
Who is truly seeing the world? The importance first-person accounts of autism for a phenomenology of perception
Zoran Josipovic
Influence of meditation styles on visual/spatial cognition; Neural Correlates of Nondual Awareness
Jack Presbury
I, Me, You & It: The Phenomenology of Self and Others
Burton Voorhees
Classifications of Phenomenological Features of Subjective Conscious Experience
Poster Session 12 (Culture and Humanities)
Alfonso Santarpia
Perceptive-Literary Construction of the Body in psychopathology
Barbara Rauch
The digital and the real
John Lobell
Seeing and Painting: Painters paint what they “see.”
Liz Stillwaggon
From Patterns to Pollock: Being in the World
Marcelo Mercante
The Objectivity of Spontaneous Mental Imagery: The Spiritual Space of a Brazilian-Amazonian Religion Experienced by Sacramental Users of Ayahuasca
Marlon Barrios Solano
Game of Life/now and then..gone: A Portable interactive and generative Installation/performance Environment
Scott Reid
Live to Ride, Ride to Live: Toward an Identity Theory Approach to Extracurricular Social Roles
Susan Sheridan
Glossolalia, consciousness states, and the mind/body benefits of fluent spiritual speech: Extending the purpose of linguistic experience
Venkatachalam Shilpa
Phenomenology, Literature and the First Person Experience