Instructions for Poster presenters:
From earlier Tucson conference poster sessions

Poster Sessions at Tucson 2006 Conference
The size of the poster board is 8 ft. (width) x 4 ft (height)
Focus on the introduction, methods, results and discussion, summary, and references. Make a small-scale sketch of your poster to ascertain if all the points you want to stress as well as headlines, text, figures and tables, photos, etc., will fit into the dimensions allowed. The poster should start in the upper left hand corner and flow generally from left to right and from top to bottom. The title, author name(s) and affiliation must be at the top of the poster. If necessary, use letters, numbers, or arrows to indicate proper flow to the audience.
Do not crowd too much information into the presentation; concentrate on two or three main points. Highlight trends and comparisons with simplified graphics and diagrams. Use text cautiously. Often it is better to use outlines and bullets than paragraphs. Avoid overwhelming the audience with too many numbers, words, or complicated graphs. Make certain your message is clear and simple because people will study your poster while you are away,.
All lettering must be easily read from a distance of 1.5 meters. Use a bold or semi bold typeface for headings and labels. Lettering for subheads and figure captions should be larger than that of the main text but smaller than the main heading. Text in upper- and lower-case letters is more readable than all capitals, but capitals for headings and labels are acceptable. The title should have letters that are at least 2.5 cm high, with author’s names and institutions at least 2 cm high. All other type should be a minimum of 1.5 cm high. Use sans serif type such as Arial or Lucida Sans for text. It is much easier to read than serif type such as Courier.
proper mounting items (e.g. push pins) will be provided at the site. Do not use double sided tape, glue or Velcro.
To summarize:
DO use large, easy-to-read sans-serif letters.
DO include clear figures and tables.
DO NOT paste-up typed pages from a paper.
DO NOT clutter the poster with details. Posters should be understandable - even in the absence of the author(s)!
Remember that a Poster Session is more like an informal discussion. The discussion may begin with a question from an interested person. You may initiate a discussion by pointing out the particular figure that depicts the essential conclusions of your paper and allow questions and answers to flow from that point. Keep it conversational; do not lecture.
Wednesday evening poster can be set up after noon that day and taken down Thursday.
Friday evening posters can be set up after noon on that day and should be taken down at the end of the session because the boards will be removed Saturday morning.