Toward a Science of Consciousness 2008
Tucson Convention Center and Hotel Arizona
Rooms to be announced
Session I Monday morning April 7th, (9:00 am - 1:00 pm)
Session 2 Monday afternoon April 7th (2:00 pm - 6:00 pm)
Session 3 Tuesday morning April 8th (9:00 am - 1:00 pm)
Fees are $50.00 per workshop; Registration/payment will open soon
Workshop Descriptions/Abstracts Click Here
Schedule Below
Session 1, Monday April 7, (9:00 am to 1:00 pm)
Consciousness and Self-Consciousness in Eastern and Western Philosophy
Paula Droege, Keya Maitra
What’s Globalist About Globalist Theories of Consciousness? Getting It Straight
Bernard Baars, Katharine McGovern
Use of Mathematical Physics to Model Neural Correlates of Brain Activity in Perception
and Consciousness - Part I
Walter Freeman, Robert Kozma, Giuseppe Vitiello, Tian Yu Cao
New Directions in Brain Research: Everything You Need to Know About the
Social Brain and its Implications for Consciousness
David Craik, Charles Whitehead
Quantum Mechanisms in Neurons and Brain
Stuart Hameroff, Gustav Bernroider, Daniel Sheehan & Others
Session 2, Monday April 7, (2:00 pm to 6:00 pm)
Philosophical Theories of Consciousness
Uriah Kriegel
Fundamentals of Conscious Vision
Susana Martinez-Conde, Stephen Macknik
Use of Mathematical Physics to Model Neural Correlates of Brain Activity in Perception
and Consciousness - Part 2 - (
Walter Freeman, Robert Kozma, Giuseppe Vitiello, Tian Yu Cao
Real-Time Consciousness, Volition and Action - A Tribute to Ben Libet - Part I
Lynn Nadel, Walter Sinnott-Armstrong & others
Games Brains Play: Neurological Disturbances of Self and Identity
Todd Feinberg
Lucid Dreaming
Stephen LaBerge
Reappraising Julian Jaynes’s Theory of Consciousness and Bicameral Mind -
30 Years of New Evidence
Brian J. McVeigh, Marcel Kuijsten
Session 3, Tuesday April 8, (9:00 am to 1:00 pm)
The Unity of Consciousness
Timothy Bayne
Can Inner Experience Be Faithfully Described?
Russell Hurlburt, Eric Schwitzgebel
Panpsychism: A Spectrum of Views
David Skrbina, Stephen Deiss, Werner Kriegelstein, Jonathan Powell & others
The Relationship Between Top-Down Attention and Consciousness
Naotsugu Tsuchiya, Christof Koch
Real-Time Consciousness, Volition and Action - A Tribute to Ben Libet - Part 2
Lynn Nadel, Walter Sinnott-Armstrong & others
How Do You Feel? The Neuroanatomical Basis for Human Awareness of Interoceptive
Feelings From the Body
Bud Craig
Ayahuasca and Meditation Exploratory Field Research
Frank Echenhofer
Transformations of Consciousness
Marilyn Schlitz, Cassandra Vieten
Meditation, Orgasm, Higher Consciousness: The Common Link
Kleopatra Ormos