Chairing, Format and A-V information

Plenary sessions

For 3 speaker sessions, the chair will make brief opening remarks and introduce speakers. Each speaker will have 30 minutes, followed by 5 minutes of questions and answers. During each talk a lighting system will be used: green for 29 minutes, yellow for one minute, then red. After the 3rd talk, all 3 speakers will be seated onstage for a general question, answer and discussion session of approximately 25 minutes led by the chair. Unlike previous conferences, questions from the audience will be selected by raised hands at the discretion of the chair, with volunteers bringing microphones to the audience questioner.

For keynote sessions, the chair will make opening remarks and introduce the speaker who will have 50 to 60 minutes, followed by 20 to 30 minutes of questions, answers and discussion led by the chair

Two sessions (Dream Debate and Cosmology/Biology) will have distinct schedules.


Concurrent sessions.

The chair will introduce speakers and enforce time restraints: 20 minutes per talk, followed by 5 minutes questions and answers. Chairs are encouraged to signal the speaker with 5 minutes, then one minute remaining. Because many participants bounce among concurrent sessions to hear particular talks at specific times, it is essential that concurrent sessions run on time.

All speakers are encouraged to check in with A-V personnel before the session. Generally computer projection will be used. Speakers may use their own laptops or bring their Powerpoint presentation on a memory stick or CD, as laptops will be available. (But check before the session!). If other technology is required (overheads, slides) please let the A-V people or organizers know in advance.


Poster sessions

Poster session information is available here.