Plenary Program


Tuesday April 4

Leo Rich Theater


Conference Opening 1:45 pm

Plenary 1, 2:00 pm to 4:10 pm

The Neural correlate of consciousness - Chair: Susana Martinez-Conde

Walter J. Freeman, UC Berkeley, "A field-theoretical approach to understanding consciousness"

Ralph Freeman, UC Berkeley, " "Neural-metabolic coupling in the central visual pathway"
Hakwan Lau, University of Oxford, "Are we studying consciousness yet?"


Wednesday April 5

Leo Rich Theater


Plenary 2, 8:30 am to 10:40 am,

Dream debate - Chair: David Chalmers

Resolved: Freud's dream theory is misguided and misleading: It should be abandoned
Pro: J Allan Hobson, Harvard Medical School

Con: Mark Solms, Royal London School of Medicine


Plenary 3/Keynote, 11:10 am to 12:30 pm - Chair: Al Kaszniak

Giulio Tononi, U Wisconsin, "An information integration theory of consciousness"

Plenary 4, 2:00 pm to 4:10 pm

Cosmology, biology and consciousness - Chair: Stuart Hameroff

Paul Davies, Australian Centre for Astrobiology, "Advances in cosmology suggest a link between information, complexity and the age of  

                    the universe"

Michael VL Bennett, Yeshiva University, "Brain wave oscillations implicated in higher neural functions are synchronized by primitive   

                    (electrical) connections between neurons".


Thursday April 6

Leo Rich Theater

Plenary 5, 8:30 am to 10:40 am

Meditation - Chair: Al Kaszniak

John Dunne, Emory University, "The neuroscientific study of Tibetan contemplative practice: Methodological issues and details of  


Antoine Lutz, University of Wisconsin, "Using meditation expertise to study brain neuroplasticity and the neural correlates of subjective


Marilyn Schlitz, Institute of noetic Sciences, "Contemplative mind and consciousness research: An integral perspective

Plenary 6/Keynote, 11:10 am to 12:30 pm - Chair: David Chalmers

Douglas Hofstadter   "Strange loops, downward causation, distributed consciousness"


Thursday afternoon free

Conference Banquet Thursday evening


Friday April 7

Leo Rich Theater

Plenary 7, 8:30 am to 10:40 am

Self representation - Chair: David Chalmers

Uriah Kriegel, University of Arizona & University of Sydney, "The self-representational theory of consciousness"

David Rosenthal, City University of New York-Graduate Center, "Consciousness and intrinsic higher-order content."

Robert van Gulick, Syracuse University, "Rethinking the self-reflexive nature of consciousness"

Plenary 8/Keynote, 11:10 am to 12:30 pm - Chair: Terry Horgan

John Searle, UC Berkely, "Dualism revisited"

Plenary 9. 2:00 pm to 4:10

Consciousness and chronic vegetative states - Chair: Steve Rapcsak

Nicholas Schiff, "Neuroimaging of disorders of consciousness: challenges and insights into underlying brain mechanisms"  

Melanie Boly , University of Liege, Belgium, "Eyes wide open, brain wide shut : (un)consciousness in the vegetative state"

Orlando Castejon, Zulia University, Venezuela, "Transmission electron microscopy of brain biopsies of patients with severe brain  



Saturday April 8,

Leo Rich Theater

Plenary 10, 8:30 am to 10:40 am

Visual fading - Chair: Steve Macknik

Susana Martinez-Conde, Barrow Neurological Institute, "The role of fixational eye movements in visibility and visual awareness"

Daniel Simons, University of Illinois, "Induced fading of visual scenes"

Peter De Weerd, University of Maastricht, NL, " Perceptual filling-in: What the eye cannot see"

Plenary 11/Keynote, 11:10 am to 12:30 pm - Chair: Stuart Hameroff

Temple Grandin, Colorado State University, "I think in pictures instead of language"

Plenary 12, 2:00 pm to 4:10

Virtual reality and representation - Chair: Uriah Kriegel

Maria Sanchez-Vives, University of Madrid, "The use of virtual reality in the study of consciousness".

Steven Lehar, Schepens Eye Institute, "The dimensions of visual experience: A quantitative analysis"

Paavo Pylkkanen, University of Skovde, Sweden, "Explaining the phenomenal structure of consciousness in the implicate order
