Concurrent sessions
Concurrents 1-7, Tuesday April 4, 4:30 to 6:35 pm,
(Rooms: TCC = Tucson Convention Center; HA = Hotel Arizona)
1. Zombies and the Explanatory Gap (TCC Mohave) Chair: Stephen Biggs
Beisecker D The explanatory gap – From a zombie’s point of view
Horowitz A Conceivability, higher-order patterns, and physicalism
Piccinini G The case for physicalism from part-time analog zombies
Williford K The logic of phenomenal transparency: How to be a phenomenologist and a physicalist
Haukioja J A defence of the conditional analysis of phenomenal concepts
2. Consciousness and Self-Consciousness (TCC Greenlee) Chair: Uriah Kriegel
Woodruff Smith D The structure of inner awareness vis-a-vis same-order monitoring
Weisberg J The self-representational theory and the misrepresentation of consciousness
Schlicht T Kant on phenomenal consciousness and self-consciousness
Gennaro R Four theses on peripheral awareness
Langland-Hassan P Imagining oneself: a modular account of thought insertion in schizophrenia
3. Vision and Attention (TCC Maricopa) Chair: Susana Martinez-Conde
Macknik S Visibility, visual awareness, and visual masking of simple unattended targets are
confined to areas in the occipital cortex beyond human V1/V2
Delorme A Neural dynamics of thought-full versus thought-free responses in orbitofrontal cortex
Wright M Late components of ERP correlated with visual awareness of change
Ford J Attention and the new skeptics
Hall L Choice blindness and introspective report: How something can be said about telling
more than we can know
4. Dreams (HA Grand Ballroom East) Chair: Richard Bootzin
Krippner S Dreams are not unpatterned: An argument for continuity between dream life and
waking life
Kahn D State-dependent thinking: A comparison of waking and dreaming thought
Gackenbach J The relationship of video game play to dreams and other related consciousness forms
Naiman R The suppression and rebound of dream consciousness as critical factors in major depression
Pagel J The sleep substrate of dreaming
5. Evolution (TCC Graham) Chair: John Sanfey
Cousins S The Evolution of nonalgorithmic consciousness
Noack R How a simple reversal in the preferred direction of information flow in the hominid
neocortex led to the mind’s "big bang:” The frontal feedback model
Ginsburg S Associative learning as the functional context for the evolution of basic consciousness
Ketelaar T A Darwinian approach to emotion: Translating the value function for gains and losses
into positive and negative feeling states
Dooremalen H The evolutionary function and the physiological realization of the experience of thirst
6. First Person Methodologies (HA Mesquite) Chair: Anthony Freeman
Blackmore S Driving beyond consciousness: A test of Multiple Drafts theory
Schwitzgebel E Do things look flat?
Van Pelt JC Dimensionality and experience: Methodologies for analogizing physical and experiential
Van Lommel P The informational fields of consciousness and the brain. A new concept based on recent
scientific research on near-death experiences.
Havel IM Liminal cases and mutual interplays of experiential modalities of life-world situations
7. Psychedelic/Altered States (HA Grand Ballroom West) Chair: Logan Trujillo
Andel D Effects of S-Ketamine on cognition and their alterations by pretreatment with clozapine,
ketanserin, and haloperidol. A PET study.
Echenhofer F EEG Coherence and experiential correlates during Ayahuasca experiences
Mercante M The objectivity of spontaneous mental imagery: The spiritual space of a
Brazilian-Amazonian religion experienced by sacramental users of ayahuasca.
Rock A What is a shamanic pattern of phenomenal properties?
Britton W Paradoxes and promises: Meditation effects on sleep in depression
Concurrents 8-14, Wednesday April 5, 4:30 to 6:35 pm
8. Representationalism (TCC Graham) Chair: Burt Voorhees
Biggs S The scrambler: Against representationalism
Brook A The representational base of consciousness
Alter T Does synesthesia undermine representationalism?
Robinson W Can representationalists be physicalists?
Schnetzer A Human echolocation and sense individuation
9. Consciousness, Body, and Environment (TCC Maricopa) Chair: Mike Bruno
Aizawa K Paralysis and the enactive theory of perception
Ellis R Does enactivism yield specific predictions?
Gertler B Am I embodied and embedded? Externalism and the self
Mandik P Phenomenal consciousness and the allocentric-egocentric interface
O'Callaghan C Cross-modal illusions and perceptual content
10. Binding/NCC (TCC Greenlee) Chair: Hakwan Lau
Mashour G Cognitive unbinding as a general theory of unconscious processes
Hameroff S The neuron doctrine, “hyper-neurons” and the NCC
Brown R What is a brain state?
Faw B 'Enabling' neural correlates for all consciousness: Latest findings in the mechanisms of
cortical 'arousal
Larock E Neural synchrony, attention, and the unity of visual consciousness
11. Emotion (HA Grand Ballroom East) Chair: Noam Sagiv
Panksepp J Humans and other animals share many emotional feelings: Lessons from a cross-Species
affective neuroscience
Sundararajan L The “hard problem” in psychology of emotions, and how affective neuroscience can cut
the Gordian knot with the sword of Peircean semiotics
Balcombe J Being conscious of animal pleasure: An ethical perspective
Balleine B Affect, arousal and reward in limbic-striatal circuits
Montague M Fine-grained emotions: Framing the world
12. Quantum Foundations and Nonlocality (TCC Mohave) Chair: Dean Radin
Baruss I Notions of consciousness in quantum mind theories
Mureika J Large extra dimensions: a tight squeeze for Orch-OR?
Whitmarsh S Further support for the radical subjective solution of the measurement problem
Schumann T Quantum theory and conscious experience
Schwartz G Predictors of improvement in self-reported health, pain, and mood in a sample of persons
undergoing coronary bypass surgery
13. Consciousness and the Arts (HA Mesquite) Chair: Jim Laukes
Ascott R Syncretic reality: New media art in the technoetic culture
Djikic M When content matters more than form: Impact of aesthetic experience on emotion and
value change in highly stressed individuals
Meyer-Dinkgrafe D Consciousness (studies) and Friedrich Schiller’s concept of comedy
Dolinsky M Visual analogy as a navigational tool in virtual reality for perceptual shifts
Punt M Cinema and consciousness: Model, paradigm or simulacra
14. Meditation (HA Grand Ballroom West) Chair: Willoughby Britton
Travis F Are all meditations the same? Comparison of brain patterns, mental benefits and
descriptions of mindfulness meditation, Tibetan Buddhism, and Transcendental
Hackl W The effects of Sahaja Yoga meditation on anxiety
Woollacott M Effects of level of meditation experience on attentional focus: Is the efficiency of
executive or orientation networks improved?
Spiro D The physiology of mental silence: Is meditation the same as relaxation?
Manocha R Meditation, Sahaja and the Indian idea of optimal consciousness: Reconciling the modern
evidence base with popular and traditional perceptions by revisiting the original
definitions of meditation
Concurrents 15-21, Friday April 7
15. Ontology of Consciousness (TCC Mohave) Chair: Benjamin Kozuch
Stubenberg L Searle's expanded notion of the physical
Welshon R Dynamic emergence and the epiphenomenality of consciousness
Hoffman D Conscious realism: A new formulation and solution of the mind-body problem
Lloyd P Individuation of personal minds in panexperientialist models
Horst S Laws, mind and freedom
16. Content and Consciousness (TCC Graham) Chair: Casey O'Callaghan
Thompson B The spatial content of experience
Sundstrom P Sensory qualities and concept empiricism
Masrour F Conceptualism: A neo-Kantian defense
Kobes B Diachronic unity of consciousness without the specious present
Pitt D Intentional psychologism
17. Unconscious and Implicit Processes (HA Grand Ballroom East) Chair: Bart VanVoorhis
Destrebecqz A Automatic priming and conscious expectancy in a simple reaction time task
Baumeister R Consciousness, nonconscious processes, and logical reasoning: Experimental studies
Repovs G Can only what we attend to be subliminally processed?
DeYoung C The sources of insight: Conscious and unconscious problem solving
Weed L A relational view of self and mind
18. Cognitive and Computational Models (HA Grand Ballroom West) Chair: Steve Macknik
Levine D A neural network theory of the development of rules for conduct
Sevush S Bridging the microscopic and macroscopic levels of consciousness in single-neuron theories of consciousness
Medina J The clock speed of consciousness and the moral worth of mind
Chrisley R Counterfactual computational vehicles of consciousness
Samsonovich A The integrated self-aware cognitive architecture project
19. Disorders of Consciousness (HA Mesquite) Chair: Melanie Boly
Ruby P Social mind representation : where does it fail in frontotemporal dementia ?
Sagiv N Synesthesia, anthroporphization and animism
Hurlburt R We can and we must explore inner experience carefully: Bulimia as an example
Gabriel R Inability to make accurate explicit emotional judgments to familiar faces in a
Nakamura Y Persisting difficulties in overcoming dualism: A case study of the biopsychosocial model
of pain
20. Ethics and Aesthetics (TCC Greenlee) Chair: Anthony Freeman
Schleim S The case of cognitive enhancement: An ethical perspective
Frank L A critique of mind augmenting technologies
Wallach W Attention, choice and the co-evolution of consciousness and ethics
MacDonald-Glenn L
Neuroethics and the aw: Cognitive liberty and the Constitution
Stamenov M Proust and the promised land of involuntary memory
21. Quantum Biology (TCC Maricopa) Chair: Paavo Pylkkanen
Radin D Entangled minds: Reassessing extrasensory experiences from a quantum ontology
Pereira A Glutamatergic mechanisms at the sensory cortex supporting conscious perception
Davia C How long is a piece of time? - Phenomenal time and quantum coherence - Towards a solution.
Hu H Toward quantification and verification of spin-mediated consciousness theory and biological entanglement
Creath K Biophoton imaging around and between plant parts: Are “auras” real?