TSC 2010
Microtubule information processing
Jack Tuszynski, Anirban Bhandyapatyay
LUCID DREAMINGTheory and Practice
Experimenting with Endogenic Experience:
fMRI, EEG and TMS in search of the functionality of the default-network
Neuroimaging of Meditation Workshop: Imaging Meditation and fMRI Analysis of Transcendental Meditation
Neural Basis of Suppression, Repression and Dissociation
Voices, Visions, Dreams, and the Limits of Consciousness: Explaining Anomalous
Neurological Phenomena
Transforming Consciousness: Personal Mythology, Neuroscience, and Organizational Culture
Research on Psychedelics Moves into the Mainstream — The Lancet
A Victorian’s Guide To Consciousness:
James, Myers,
and The Fin De Siècle Gang - then and now
Yoga Asanas as Tools for Transforming States, Contents, Structures, and Levels of Consciousness
Effecting Individual Transformation through Pranahuti Aided Meditation, an Experiential Workshop