Tuesday April 8 - 4:30 pm to 6:35 pm
Concurrent Sessions C1 - C7
C1: Materialism / Dualism
C2: Phenomenology of Thought
Chair: Adam Arico
C3: Emotion / Theory of Mind
C4: Vision
Chair: Michael Bruno
C5: Psychopathology and Therapy
Chair: Marilyn Schlitz
C6: Time
Chair: Daniel Sheehan
C7: Social Approaches to Consciousness
Chair: Anthony Freeman
Wednesday April 9 - 4:30 pm to 6:35 pm
Concurrent Sessions C8 - C14
C8: Panpsychism
C9: Contents of Consciousness
Chair: Brian Fiala
C10: Consciousness in the Natural and Cultural Context (CNCC)
C11: Neurobiological Theories and Models
C12: Altered States
C13: Consciousness and Julian Jaynes
Chair: Brian McVeigh
C14: Art and Literature
Chair: Jim Laukes
Friday April 11 - 4:30 pm to 6:35 pm
Concurrent Sessions 15-22
C15: Theories of Consciousness
C16: Concepts of Consciousness
C17: Action / Embodiment
C18: Unconscious States
Chair: Valerie Gray-Hardcastle
C19: Physics
Chair: Gustav Bernroider
C20: Evolution of Consciousness
C21: Conscious and Technology
C22: Art & Technology Exhibit
Curator: Rene Stettler