April 25-30, 2016 - Tucson

Monday, April 25, 2 pm to 6 pm

Pre-Conference Workshop


Transformative Technology Workshop


Presenters and Panelists Will Include


HMI Dr. Rollin McCraty Bio

Jeffery A. Martin, PhD

Workshop Facilitator


Rollin McCraty, PhD

VP Research, Heartmath



Robin Arnott

Founder, SoundSelf VR


Jay Sanguinetti, PhD

University of Arizona



‘Transformative technology’ is hardware and software intended to produce reliable and positive changes in human psychological experience, i.e. ‘well-being’.  Techniques include non-invasive brain and sensory stimulation with electrical, magnetic and ultrasound modalities, EEG-based neurofeedback, interpersonal entrainment, virtual reality, heart rate variability, and sensory deprivation, all  based on credible science and rigorous research.

Believing that technology should serve more than our productivity, we seek to uncover, develop, repurpose and spread technologies designed to improve the psychological wellbeing of humanity on a massive scale.

Some related technologies include:

  • Biofeedback, including: the heart, breath, peripheral nervous system, eyes (pupils/eye movement), temperature, GSR, and more…
  • Neurofeedback
  • Transcranial DC and AC Stimulation (tXCS)
  • Transcranial Ultrasound
  • Brainwave Entrainment Technology, including: visual, auditory and somatic feedback.
  • Artificial Intelligence


A wide range of leading universities, research organizations and corporations are deeply involved in the Transformative Technology space, including: Harvard, Yale, Cal, Google, Samsung, Apple, Lockheed, Aetna, and many more. Dedicated startups and pioneers in the space include: Heartmath, Spire, Misfit, BioCybernaut, and hundreds of others.

A wide variety of Transformative Technology will be available for you to experience during The Science of Consciousness conference, including a related art exhibit.

In this workshop, you will meet many of the key individuals who are making it all happen. From industry pioneers like Heartmath, Thync, and others to industry leaders like Google, to cutting edge research that is happening in the field from leading universities, this is your opportunity to go behind the scenes and get to know this dynamic and world-changing community…as well as to find out where you can fit in and join up!


Coordinated by

Jeffery A. Martin, PhD

Research Professor & Director, Transformative Technology Lab, Sofia University

Co-Founder, Transformative Technology Conference


Key Transformative Technology Premises

Psychological suffering is the choke point on accelerating human progress. For all of our extraordinary human endeavors - fear and fear induced conflict, insecurity, and scarcity limit the potential of our species and slow global, local, and individual progress.

It doesn’t have to be this way. Psychology, neuroscience, meditation research, and other fields of inquiry have increased the scientific understanding of the mechanisms behind positive human experience and flourishing. Inspired by this ever-growing visibility, humanity can now turn our creativity towards breaking the bindings that limit our potential.

Technology can positively transform our inner lives as much as it has our external lives. Technology has positively disrupted our external lives; now is the time to match that positive disruption internally. Technology should serve our whole selves, not just our productivity.

You get what you optimize for. If we want technology to support and develop our psychological wellbeing, we have to design for it.

Revolutions that last need infrastructure. Evolving beyond a niche or brief trend requires structure – for discussing important questions, stimulating vital research, exploring new ground, creating new markets, seeding demand through can’t-be-denied awesome products, attracting investment, and more.


Transformative Technology Workshop

Whether you are just interested in using this technology to be the best you possible, or you think you may want to contribute your experience and capabilities to this emerging space, we encourage you to attend this groundbreaking workshop. It will not only give you a comprehensive overview of the space and what's being done in it, but also provide a key touchstone to help you explore all of the transformative technologies that are available and spread around the conference site so that you can get the most out of them. See you soon!