April 25-30, 2016 - Tucson


Pre-Conference Workshop-optional fees

Monday, April 25, 9 am to 1 pm

Altered State Healing in the Amazon

Facilitators: Tania Re, Giuseppe Vitiello

of a thermal river in the Peruvian Amazon. The team analyzed 4 aspects of the ritual - water, shamanic music, ceremonial architecture and ingested plants (including ‘teacher plants’) on healing effects in plants, animals and humans. Realizations from these experiences are expressed in terms of ‘inside-out connectedness’, trance coherence, synchrony, regeneration, healing and musical brain interfaces.


Medicine and Physics
Link to Conference themes: Mechanism of Anesthesia and Psychoactive Drugs

The last 5-10 years have witnessed huge steps and the vast mobilization of multidisciplinary competences “Toward a Science of Consciousness”, as clearly illustrated in the recent international conference on that topic held in Stockholm under the patronage of the Center for Consciousness Studies of the University of Arizona and of the Perfjell Foundation, with the collaboration of the postdocs of the Karolinska Institute.  At the same time that Science, and especially Medical Anthropology, Neuroscience and the Physics of Consciousness progresses, tools and new understanding have been developed that will allow for the transfer of much of that basic Science into clinical practice. This transfer doesn’t only concern the clinical practice exclusively with mental disease but also the regular clinical practice where a person or a patient, using his, or her mind, can influence the progression of disease, becoming what one could rightly call a therapeutic partner. This is an old issue in different cultures that uses different “states of consciousness” to foster the healing process. The need to establish connections between Medicine, especially in the therapeutic aspect (healing), and all the information already obtained from the mind-matter phenomenology has led to much experimentation and theorizing in this border and transcultural area. During the conference symposium an interdisciplinary and international group formed by anthropologist  Re who have studied altered states of consciousness in different cultures, medical doctors who uses states of consciousness to treat patients with the support of quantum physics and molecular biologists will try to define a transcultural perspective on consciousness merging anthropology, medicine and physics.


Tania Re

Analysis of the material and immaterial elements in the healing places


2. Water: we present preliminary results obtained by the study of the electrical conductivity
measurements on different samples


Giuseppe Vitiello
On the unity of knowledge as implied by the undividable consciousness act 






Optional - Pre-Conference Workshops

Workshops are held:  Monday/Tuesday, April 25 - 26

Monday Morning 9-1:  Monday Afternoon 2-6

Monday Evening 7-10 and Tuesday Morning 9-1

half day and evening Workshops

Early Workshop Fees:

TSC General Registrants                $60 half day

TSC Student Registrants                $40 half day

General Public - Workshop only  $125 half day

General Public - Student - Workshop only $75 half day