June 5-10, 2017
A Tenniscentric Approach to Consciousness
Tennis-Centric Clinic and Tourney
morning clinics (Monday-Saturday 7-8 am)
tourney (Thursday 3-5 pm)
Tennis professional and consciousness student Mark Valladares presents 5 steps to ‘Tennis as A Contemplative Practice’.
1) In the hitting exchange, explore the concept of Wave/Particle Duality.
2) Chunking the Modern Forehand to Dislodge Hierarchies and Dogma. (For Beginners and up).
From Federer’s Forehand to Rafa’s Reverse (Buggy Whip) and Holographic biomechanics.
3) The Readiness ‘Super’Potential (w/ heels off the ground). Examine how, with criticality, “Feel” permeates scale.
4) How to Return Serve Faster than the Speed of the Libet delay. Either
a) Future Recollections (predictive anticipatory awareness), or
b) Freeman QFT with Vitiello’s Dark Energy Dissipation, or
c) Backward time via Penrose Quanglement
5) “Zennis” to empty the mind. Let the Fractal/Flicker Noise reach self-organizing criticality where awareness occurs.

A Tenniscentric Approach to the Study of Consciousness
If the reach of any explanation or theory is not useful to the understanding of and to the eventual evolution of Tennis along with the specific enhancement one’s own game in particular then that concept, theory or explanation might be either fundamentally flawed or worse yet, simply a bad explanation since a good explanation would necessarily inform one’s Tennis game with revelatory insight.
About the Clinics
Tennis Clinics at the Science of Consciousness Conference should be seen as a medium to explore the technical parameters of the pedagogy by looking at standard practices in the context of the underlying role of mind and in how the brain works in skill acquisition and in high performance play with the hopes of creating a theoretical framework for understanding both. The focus might go to the notion of ‘Tennis as a Contemplative Practice” to weave into the overall feel of the Conference as that science-driven yet spiritually friendly cauldron of scrutiny, uncertainty and creativity in which ‘any angled light can congregate’.
Observers are welcome alongside the participants.
There will be both tournament training and basic drills for players with limited skill and/or mobility, so all are welcome.
A brief survey of 5 non-sequential steps to “Tennis as A Contemplative Practice”
1. In the hitting exchange we explore the concept of Wave/Particle Duality. The Superposition is distinguishable by the perceptive choice of “Playing to Play” instead of “Playing to Win.” The contemplative art of draining the mind of intentionality to harness processing power at a deeper scale is said to be “the Wave”, that sublime state in which awareness is everywhere and we enter the proverbial “zone”. (For well-seasoned players who can maintain a hitting exchange.)
2. Non-sequential Chunking of the Modern Forehand; Dislodging Hierarchies and Dogma. A quick look at evolving strokes from Federer’s Forehand to Rafa’s Reverse Fh (the Buggy Whip). The practicum will demonstrate how and why to chunk the biomechanics non-sequentially using Holographic Theory to create technically sound strokes with a robust timing mechanism. (All Levels)
3. The Readiness ‘Super’ Potential of the Ready Position (w/ heels off the ground) and Criticality. Consciousness is nestled in open systems with Criticality. Examine how with criticality, “Feel” can permeate scale. This slightly unstable ready position coupled with a split step can be seen as a way of lowering the threshold for the induction of a response to the ‘input volley’. (All Levels). With the idea of “Feel permeating scale” we will also touch upon a) the relationship of the body schema to athleticism; b) the inner court and the significance of hexagonal arrays, (in light of the groundbreaking work on “grid and place cells” by O’Keefe and the Moser’s and c) the apparent necessity of “superstitious” and idiosyncratic behaviors in mapping and managing the dynamic field (Dharma-shetre).

4) How to Return Serve Faster than the Speed of the Libet delay.
a) Future Recollections Predictive Anticipatory Awareness or
b) W. Freeman’s application of Quantum Field Theory with G. Vitiello’s Dark Energy Dissipation describe Scale-free Neurodynamics, then with Joint Emotion Theory we might account for how the Returner dials into distributed neural fields of the Server (like caregiver and infant) enabling the induction from wave patterns in holograms to trigger the neuromuscular response faster than the .5 sec neural processing delay famously identified by Benjamin Libet or
c) Backwards Time Travel via Penrose’s Quanglement.
5) “Zennis” as a means of Emptying the Mind to let Fractal/Flicker Noise reach self-organizing criticality where awareness occurs.
The Tenniscentric set of ideas called ‘Improvisational Subjective Induction” is a theory that Consciousness nestles itself in biological systems propagating scale from the ‘choice’ of proteins with criticality on up to larger assemblies as it toggles the membrane or any such boundary relative to scale such that Fractal/Flicker Noise can reflexively read the system. The Principle of Dynamic Instability in biological systems reaching self-organizing criticality is in evidence in MT growth, (Babibec et al. ’95) scaling up to neural assemblies and whole brain systems where greater (self-concentrating) awareness is manifest. The theory predicts that high performance play and creativity are enhanced by disassociation at the cortical hub such that self-monitoring/self-direction is turned off thereby returning the whole system to greater Criticality. This “improvisational” aspect of high performance play (see Limb et al 2008.) defines a relationship between Criticality and Creativity. Criticality enables Consciousness to improvise a creative choice from holographic wave packets registering a subjective or aesthetic feel/qualia by pre-cognitive induction of a response to distributed field potentials.
So the clinics not only provide a glimpse into the optimized pathway from skill acquisition to stroke automation to creative play, but also serve as a medium for Conference attendees to develop an intuitive feel for how respective theoretical frameworks/worldviews/mindsets play out. While the tennis drills in the morning sessions will also constitute a meditational/contemplative practice the Tourney will likely take on the feel of a battle (Ventana-shetre, Dharmashetre). All tournament entries (free to the Conference community) should be in by Wednesday at midnight, the format (doubles, singles, etc.) will self-assemble accordingly.
The Tenniscentric Approach is an invitation for any angled mindset trending at the conference to come out and play.
Mark Valladares
As an USPTA Elite Teaching Professional drawing from 20 years on the front lines of the rapidly evolving discipline, Valladares is a well- seasoned tennis coach immersed in a deep exploration of learning mechanisms, biomechanics and psychological approaches to the game. After studying Neuroscience and English at Amherst College he pursued independent study on the origins of the Mayan Ballgame. Having extracted thinking principles fundamental to development from the ‘Popol Vuh’ (the Mayan account of Creation), he took the old cognitive science into direct implementation in Tennis, (leaving out, of course, the various practices of ballcourt sacrifice, bloodletting, etc). His pioneering use of Tennis as a medium for studying learning behaviors and skill acquisition modalities has led to the implementation such methods as “non-sequential chunking of holographic biomechanics.” Reading broadly across fields, Valladares’ innovations have also contributed insights on strategic differentiation derived from the “Play to Play” tactics in tennis to top-notch business consultants (See link below). As a student of Consciousness, his current work is on “Improvisational Subjective Induction” theory, which explains how Consciousness nestles itself in biological systems via the Principle of Dynamic Instability to engender scale-free Criticality and unleash Creativity.
Valladares is currently engaged at the premier tennis club in the Mid West,: Kansas City’s Overland Park Racquet Club
He works with juniors and adults at all levels including the KCUT junior academy, which has become regarded as among the nation’s finest training environments.
Additional Reading

Valladares, M - A Zen Coaching Philosophy
Featured by author Gabor George Burt, Zen Tennis: "Play to Play"
Tennis Clinic
$20 drop in rate for each clinic; pay at the court