April 25-30, 2016 - Tucson, ARIZONA
April 30, 2016
8:30 am to 10:40 am
PL 10 - Scale and Connectivity
Martin M. Monti, Ph.D.
Dr. Monti is Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology and Department of Neurosurgery at UCLA. He has a PhD in Psychology and Neuroscience (and his MA) from Princeton University. The MontiLab is a research laboratory at UCLA headed by Martin. They focus on two of the most fundamental aspects of being human:
1. The interplay between language and thought
2. Consciousness and cognition in coma, vegetative and minimally conscious state
Research Interests:
Language & Thought, Syntax, Human Reasoning, Mental Arithmetic
Consciousness, Vegetative State, Coma, Brain-Computer Interfaces
fMRI Methods & Statistical Analysis
Recent Publications:
Lutkenhoff E.S., Chiang J., Tshibanda L., Kamau E., Kirsch M., Pickard J.D., Owen A.M., Monti M.M. (2015) Thalamic and extra-thalamic mechanisms of consciousness after severe brain injury. Annals of Neurology. [ePub ahead of print].
Monti, Martin M, Sannita, Walter G., eds., Brain Function and Responsiveness in Disorders of Consciousness, Springer 2016