2016 The Science of Consciousness
Art Technology Exhibitions
Loews Ventana Canyon, Tucson
Mon Apr 25; Wed Apr 27; Fri Apr 29
6:30-7:30 PM 6:30-9:30 PM 6:30-9:30 PM
ELLEN K. LEVY - New York

Stealing Attention

Memes and Genes

Migration of Objects

Perspective of Lichen


Special Advisor on Art and Sciences at the Institute for Doctoral Studies in the Visual Arts. Ellen K. Levy was past president of the College Art Association and has had numerous solo exhibitions in the US and abroad. Representation has included Associated American Artists and Michael Steinberg Fine Arts (NYC). Honors include an arts commission from NASA (1985) based on launch of the space shuttle, Atlantis. Ms. Levy teaches a seminar in Creativity & Consciousness at The New School and participated in the Art & Consciousness Workshop directed by Robert Wilson and Marina Abramovic at Watermill. She also has collaborated with neurophysiologist Michael E. Goldberg, Director of the Mahoney Centre for Brain and Behavior at Columbia University. See their video collaboration - Stealing Attention Animation see: website Frontiers in Human Neuroscience
Ellen K. Levy’s exhibitions include solo exhibitions at the National Academy of Sciences (1985), the New Britain Museum of American Art, the Narodni Museum (Prague), Associated American Artists (NYC), and Michael Steinberg Fine Arts (NYC). Group exhibitions include Gregor Mendel: Planting the Seeds of Genetics at the Field Museum, Chicago (2006), Petroliana at the 2nd Moscow Biennale (2007), and Weather Report: Art & Climate Change at the Boulder Museum of Contemporary Art (2007). Her honors include an arts commission from NASA (1985), an AICA award (1995-1996), and a Distinguished Visiting Fellowship of Arts and Sciences at Skidmore College (1999). An invited participant in Watermill’s Art & Consciousness Workshop (2014 and 15), Levy also co-organizes art and science evenings for Leonardo/ISAST. She became Special Advisor on the Arts and Sciences at the Institute for Doctoral Studies in the Visual Arts (IDSVA) after earning a PhD from Plymouth (UK), and she lectures at The New School. Levy was President of the College Art Association (2004-2006). She received her diploma from the School of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston (1981) following a B.A. from Mount Holyoke College in Zoology. See: http://www.complexityart.com
Ph.D. University of Plymouth, UK (2012); thesis topic: the art and neuroscience of attention
Graduate Diploma, School of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, Boston, MA (1981); partly funded by Mary O.H. Longstrath Scholarship
BA in Zoology, Mount Holyoke College, South Hadley, MA; minors in art and philosophy
(Columbia College of Physicians and Surgeons, course of anatomical dissection with medical students)
Selected Solo Exhibitions:
2016 upcoming Some Provocations from Skeptical Inquirers
2013: “Colonizing Plato's Cave: Remembering the Future,” EIDIA House, Brooklyln, NY
2011: “Norms of Behavior,” UCLA Arts: Art | Sci Center
2011: “Stealing Attention 2011,” Art Sci Projects, Washington University Medical School, St. Louis, MO
2014: “Un-Natural Nature", on-line, Sci/Art Center. cur. D. Kalamaras, featured in Issues in Science and Technology, 31:2, Winter, 2015, p 80 click to view.
Selected Group Exhibitions:
2016 - April - upcoming, Science of Consciousness International Conference, Center for Consciousness Studies, University of Arizona, Loews Ventana Resort, Tucson AZ
2016 - February upcoming, Baruch College, NYC Sidney Mishkin Gallery, Anomalies and Artifacts,
2015 Chirality, Grey Matters Gallery, Dallas
2014: “Tracking the Cosmos,” Simons Center for Geometry and Physics, SUNY Stonybrook, cur. A. Noble
2012: “Dear Mother Nature,” Samuel Dorsky Museum, New Palz, NY, cur. L. Weintraub
2011: “Neurodiversity,” Museum of Modern Art of Ukraine, Kiev, cur. K.J. Baysa
2011: “Pay Attention,” a performative presentation with M.E. Goldberg for Entertaining Science at the Cornelia Street Caf'e, NYC, org. R. Hoffmann, D. Sulzer
2011: “Artists Against the Drill,” Exit Art, NYC, cur. L. Rosatti
2010: “I Am the Cosmos,” NJ State Museum, Trenton, cur. S. Henry
2010: “Resurrectine,” Ronald Feldman Fine Arts, NYC
Selected Projects:
2009: Research on “Inattention Blindness”
1985: NASA commission for art work based on launch of the space shuttle, Atlantis
1985: Ceiling mural (Palomar) at the National Academy of Sciences