The Tucson Conference 2014 - 20th Anniversary
APRIl 21-26, 2014 Tucson - University Park Marriott
under the direction of the Center for CONSCIOUSNESS STUDIES, University of Arizona
2014 Pre-Conference - Workshop
Neuroscience of Music 2: Music, Consciousness and Therapy
Presenters: Alexander J. Graur, Ph.D
Prof. Giuseppe Vitiello
Date: Monday, April 21, 2014
Session: 2:00 - 6:00 pm
Room: tba

Alexander J. Graur

Prof. Giuseppe Vitiello
Neuroscience of Music 2: Music, Consciousness and Therapy
The participants will delve into the relationship between Music and Consciousness and some
applications in therapy; a breakthrough presentation of how Music acts on the Brain-Mind-Organism.
Including, a detailed presentation of Music Integrative Neurotherapy™ and its applications in Mood, Personality
and Sleep Disorders exemplified with clinical cases.
Program Outline:
Music: definitions;
Types of Consciousness;
Music and Consciousness: Experiential aspects (Out-of Body
Inspiration; Improvisation);
Theoretical Aspects (Musical Qualia; Music Aesthetics);
in Music;
Perception of Music in Space;
Perception of Music in Time;
The Fifth Dimension of Music;
Music as a
Four Dimensional Space-Time Continuum Phenomenon;
A Quantum Model for Music-based Neurotherapy;
Music Integrative Neurotherapy™: the method;
Applications in Mood, Personality and Sleep Disorders;
neuroscientists, biologists, physicians, psychiatrists, psychologists, clinical music therapists.
Ph.D, Associate professor, University of Turin, Italy (Post graduate School in Health Psychology, Department of Psychology, collaborating with the Graduate Neuroscience Department, University of Turin. Dr. Graur specializes in composition, musicology and clinical music therapy. He received a graduate degree in Composition-Musicology and a diplomat in Medicine (P.A.P. -Physician Assistant in Psychiatry); and is a Board Certified (US) Clinical Music Therapist. Since 1978, Dr. Graur has implemented the Music Integrative Neurotherapy™, an applied Neuroscience method combining Music, Psychiatry, Molecular Biology and Quantum Mechanics. He is the associate editor of the Journal of Biomusical Engineering (BioMed Central) and a member of the New York Academy of Sciences Dr. Graur has had a long career as a soloist and composer (classical music) with performances and broadcasts of his works in Italy, Germany, Romania, Switzerland and the U.S. , and is a recipient of numerous national and international prizes for interpretation He has presented numerous workshops and seminars to audiences in Italy, China, South Korea and the U.S. -
Dipartimento di Fisica “E.R.Caianiello”, Facolta' di Scienze,
Universita' di Salerno - 84084 Fisciano (Salerno), Italy
Full Professor (Professore Ordinario) of Theoretical Physics, University of Salerno
Associate researcher INFN (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
Ph.D. in Physics, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, USA, 1974 (Supervisor Prof. Hiroomi Umezawa)
Laurea in Fisica, Universita' di Napoli, Italy, 1970 (Supervisor Prof. Francesco Guerra)
Research activity in: Quantum field theory, gauge theories, non-linear dynamical systems, biological systems and brain physics.
Author of approximately 160 papers in international journals, 25 chapters in monographic volumes, 80 reports in Conference Proceedings. A list of publications can be found at:
. Hiroomi Umezawa and Giuseppe Vitiello, "Quantum Mechanics", Bibliopolis, Napoli 1986.
Translated in Japanese by K.Yasue and M.Jibu, Nippon Hyoron Sha. Co.Ltd., Tokyo, Japan 2005.
. Gordon G.Globus, Karl H.Pribram, Giuseppe Vitiello (Editors) “Brain and Being. At the boundary
between science, philosophy, language and arts” John Benjamins Publ. Co., Amsterdam 2004.
. Giuseppe Vitiello, "My Double Unveiled - The dissipative quantum model of brain", John Benjamins,
Amsterdam 2001.
. Massimo Blasone, Petr Jizba and Giuseppe Vitiello, "Quantum Field Theory and its macroscopic
manifestations", Imperial College Press, London 2011.
Music: a well known phenomenon.
Since the first half of the nineteenth century is considered mostly as an Art- something
which deals with unconscious talent and “inspiration”.
But, from the dawn of civilization all over the world since the first half
of the 19th century, music was considered a science.
The historical, classical “quadrivium” (the superior curriculum of studies)
lists: Arithmetic, Geometry, Music and Astronomy.
A person could not understand and use one of these without knowing the precedent ones.
Only in today’s world Music is considered as something useful, to relax only, having nothing to do with science. A misconception which leads the scientists to the lack of the precedent knowledge, actual applications and future opportunities both in theoretical and practical direction. -
A.J. Graur
There's no prerequisite for taking Neuroscience of Music (2014)
All levels welcome
For Information Only- 2012 TSC:
Photo Credits:
Yellow Tie: D. Chalmers
Silver Tie: Ingrid Fredriksson