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Science of Consciousness - News & Research - Center for Consciousness Studies


Stuart Hameroff, MD

Director, Center for Consciousness Studies
Professor Emeritus, Departments of Anesthesiology and Psychology  


*Current Review     

(Science Direct)  

Consciousness in the universe:

A review of the ‘Orch OR’ theory  

Stuart Hameroff, Roger Penrose    Accepted August 5, 2013     



Stuart Hameroff, M.D. joined the Department of Anesthesiology at the University of Arizona in 1975. Aside from his full-time clinical role,  Dr. Hameroff’s academic and research interests have related to the study of consciousness, how the brain produces conscious experience, and how anesthetics erase it. He has written or edited 5 books, more than one hundred articles, and discussed the     science of consciousness in numerous TV shows on BBC, Discover Channel, History Channel, PBS, OWN, and in the film                    “What the Bleep?”

As Director of the Center for Consciousness Studies at the University of Arizona, Hameroff co-organizes (with philosopher                 David Chalmers) the conference series  ‘Toward a Science of Consciousness’. Hameroff is co-developer, with British physicist                 Sir Roger Penrose, of the controversial Penrose-Hameroff ‘Orch OR’ theory of consciousness, based on quantum computations            in microtubules.



Toward a Science of Consciousness  April 21-26, 2014

20th Anniversary      


University of Arizona - Marriott University Park - Tucson

Stuart Hameroff - Co-Chair

Toward a Science of Consciousness  

Director, Center for Consciousness Studies              


2014    TSC Plenary Speakers Include

Sir Roger Penrose,   Daniel Dennett ,   Karl Deisseroth,  Henry Markram,  Christof Koch  

Stuart Hameroff,    Anirban Bandyopadhyay,  Sam Parnia,    Giulio Tonon,   George Mashour,   John Searle,  

Petra Stoerig    David Eagleman. David Chalmers,   Rebecca Goldstein, Ned Block, Michael Graziano,

Alison Gopnik,  Susan Blackmore, and many more, Donald Hoffman, Bernard Baars. David Eageman,

Julia Mossbridge, Mary Peterson, Russell Hurlbert, Max Tegmark, Ken Hayworth, Natasha Vita-More


Pre-Conference Workshop TSC 2014 

Monday, April 21, 2014  9:00 am - 1:00 pm

Microtubules and Quantum Biology                         

Roger Penrose, Jack Tuszynski, Travis Craddock, Anirban Banyopadhyay, Stuart Hameroff quantum vibrations in microtubules support the controversial Orch OR theory, and provide a basis for  EEG as ‘beat frequencies’ of intra-neuronal dynamics. See CCS website: www.consciousness.arizona.edu


Current Research Projects / Presentations

Dr. Stuart Hameroff ‘s research projects are potentially open to resid

ent involvement time permitting.


2014 - updating


Society for Neuroscience, November 14, 2013 - Transcranial ultrasound (‘TUS’) an optimal non-invasive brain-machine interface via microtubules? Society for Neuroscience, November 14, 2013  SR Hameroff, JL Sanguinetti,      C Duffield, U Raman,    S Ghosh, S Parker, QD Amos, JJB Allen

Good Vibrations - Transcranial Ultrasound



Good Vibrations’! Brain Ultrasound Improves Mood (Newswise, May 14, 2013)           

Dr. Stuart Hameroff and colleagues performed the first clinical trial of trancranial ultrasound (TUS) on mental states, finding improved mood after 15 seconds of sub-thermal 8 MHz ultrasound  compared with placebo applied at the temporal skull.

Transcranial ultrasound (TUS) effects on mental states: A pilot study, Brain Stimulation  (May 6, 2012)

Another project is being planned with UA professor of psychology John Allen and grad student Jay Sanguineti for mood, cognition and psychological and neurological disorders (including post-operative cognitive dysfunction). Microtubules within brain neurons are thought to resonate at megahertz frequencies, precisely where ultrasound acts.  We hope to enhance mood, and treat various neurological disorders by stimulating brain microtubule dynamics through TUS.

Slime Scene Investigation

The first ever experiments on anesthetic mechanism were performed by Claude Bernard in the 19th century. He found that anesthetic gas exposure caused reversible cessation of protoplasmic streaming, purposeful movement in the unicellular giant amoeba slime mold. In recent years, the same slime mold amoeba Physarum polycephalum has been shown able, by extension of tendrils, to solve problems and escape mazes. The cognitive abilities of the slime mold depend on the same cytoskeletal structures responsible for purposeful streaming, inhibited by anesthetics.  With Dr Quinlan Amos and Chris Duffield, the Anesthesiology Slime Lab is studying effects of anesthetics and ultrasound on cognitive functions and purposeful movements of Physarum polycephalum. Physarum uses microtubules to extend tendrils, like neurons extend axons and dendrites, and can be a good model for post-anesthetic cognitive dysfunction, Alzheimer’s disease, traumatic brain injury, PTSD, depression etc. Residents are encouraged to participate in research and are welcome in the Slime Lab time permitting. Don’t do the slime if you can’t spare the time.

In Preparation

Why anesthetic mechanism research has failed, and how to fix it



2013    ‘Good Vibrations’! Brain Ultrasound Improves Mood, (Newswise May 14, 2013) Non-invasive brain stimulation techniques aimed at mental and neurological conditions include transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) for depression, and transcranial direct current (electrical) stimulation (tDCS), shown to improve memory. Transcranial ultrasound stimulation (TUS) has also shown promise.

2012  Transcranial ultrasound (TUS) effects on mental states: A pilot study,  Brain Stimulation  Hameroff S, Trakas M, Duffield C, Annabi E, Gerace MB, Boyle P,    Lucas A, Amos Q, Buadu A, Badal JJ  Received 21 November 2011; received in revised form 19 February 2012; accepted 6 May 2012. published online  30 May 2012.  Brain Stimulation 6: 409-415

Abstract:  http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.brs.2012.05.002

Additional Papers, Articles, Interviews

How quantum brain biology can rescue conscious free will, Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience, October, 2012

Post-Anesthesia Dementia, Like Alzheimer's, Looks Micro-'Tubular ',  Newswise,   June 26, 2012

Transcranial ultrasound (TUS) effects on mental states: A pilot study,  Brain Stimulation,  May 30, 2012

The Molecular Architecture of Memory-How and where are memories  formed and stored? Psychology Today, April 12, 2012

Zinc Imbalance in Brains of Alzheimer’s Patients Points to New Therapies,   Newswise,March 26, 2012

Tucson Scientists Claim Brain Memory Code Cracked, PLoS Computational Biology,  March 8, 2012

Zinc, microtubules and Alzheimer's disease, PLoS One, March 23, 2012

Anesthetics, tubulin and post-operative cognitive dysfunction, PLoS One,June 25, 2012

Newly published, Ebner and Hameroff - 'Lateral Information Processing by Spiking Neurons: A Theoretical Model of the Neural Correlate of Consciousness'  Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience,July 8, 2011

New paper on - Orch OR by Penrose and Hameroff  'Consciousness in the Universe' Journal of Cosmology, 2011,   Vol. 14

QANSAS 2011, Agra, India, Quantum and Nanocomputing Systems, December 1-4, 2011

Visualizing molecular memory " Memory Bytes"-Molecular match for CaMKII, Phosphorylation Encoding of Microtubule Lattices, Journal of Integrative Neuroscience, Hameroff, Craddock and Tuszynski,  September 20, 2010



Is Human DNA the same as computer code? Huffington Post, Host Josh Zepps,  Panel: J. Bohannon, S. Hameroff, Jason SIlva, Erez Lieberman   HUFF POST LIVE     2/6/13   

Can Images Unlock the Mystery of a Healing Brain?  By Nancy Walsh, Staff Writer, MedPage Today    2/1/13  

AZ PUBLIC MEDIA   2/5/13   NEW Arizona Illustrated -  SCIENCE Tuesday -   host Jane Poynter / Genetics Nothing Sans Consciousness -  UA researcher says considering DNA alone misses 'life itself'


Arizona Public Media/ Arizona Illustrated / PBS, NPR / April 10, 2012     Doctor Asks: What Is Consciousness? Producer Luis Carrion        click for video

“... the most interesting and important question there is”

Toward a Science of Consciousness Tucson, 2012,  Fractal Consciousness

TEDx Future of Consciousness, Tucson 2012


Through the Wormhole, Discovery Science Channel, Life After Death'  (general website  not connected to interview)  Season 2, Episode 1, Part 2     aired: June 8, 2011, modr., Morgan Freeman 

June 8, 2011 (Tucson, AZ), University Medical Center physicians Stuart Hameroff (Department of Anesthesiology and Director of the Center for Consciousness Studies   and Dr. Michael Lemole (Neurosurgery) appear on Discovery Channel Science television program Through the Wormhole with host and narrator, Morgan Freeman, featuring interviews and scenes filmed at UMC with numerous operating room staff. Morgan Freeman host and narrator highlights views of leading researchers and skeptics into the questions of near-death experiences,consciousness, quantum effects on biological research and the science behind what we know today.

Previews at:

Miracle Detectives, The Science of Consciousness, OWN, Feb 2011



   Stuart Hameroff, MD / Faculty Page / Department of Anesthesiology

   Quantum Consciousness (under revision)

   Quantum-Mind.org  / hameroff@u.arizona.edu

   Center for Consciousness Studies

   Toward a Science of Consciousness - The Tucson Conference   2014   


  Preview 2014 TSC Conference Program  co-directed by Dr. Hameroff

  Consciousness Research Page / Hameroff/Department of Anesthesiology


Interview Requests

Please email and text messages to:


Abi Behar Montefiore

Assistant Director, Center for Consciousness Studies      

Conference Manager, Toward a Science of Consciousness, Department of Anesthesiology




520-247-5785 (CCS cell and /text)

520-621-9317   (CCS)     


520-626-6416 (CCS)



University of Arizona, Department of Anesthesiology      

P.O Box 245114 -  1501 N Campbell Ave.  5th floor   Su. 5301                                   

Tucson, Arizona USA     85724-5114

Toward a Science of Consciousness (TSC) is presented by the Center for Consciousness Studies (CCS) at the University of Arizona, and alternates yearly between Tucson, Ariz. (even-numbered years, from 1998 including 1999 Quantum Mind in Flagstaff and 2003 Quantum Mind in Tucson and various locations around the world (odd-numbered years) in cooperation with partner organizations and institutions.  Overseas TSC Conferences have been held in: 1995 Ischia, Italy; 1997, Elsinore, Denmark; 1999, Tokyo, Japan; 2001, Skovde, Sweden; 2003, Prague, Czech Republic; 2005, Copenhagen, Denmark; 2007 Vienna, Austria; 2007, Budapest, Hungary; 2009, Hong Kong, China; 2011, Stockholm, Sweden; 2013, Agra, India. The 2015 TSC will take place in Helsinki, Finland.

The Center for Consciousness Studies (CCS) at the University of Arizona was established in 1997 by the Arizona Board of Regents. CCS is hosted by the Department of Anesthesiology at the University of Arizona College of Medicine. Dr. Hameroff is co-founder and director.