Toward a Science of Consciousness 2012

Loews Ventana Canyon Resort


7:00-9:45 pm


                                   VIDEO GAME PLAY AND CONSCIOUSNESS

How the pervasive and ever growing immersion in video game play affects consciousness is the focus of this session. The presenters are contributors to a forthcoming edited book, Video Game Play and Consciousness.. The presenters, Denise Doyle, Eva Murzyn,     Greg Garvey, and Jeffery Martin, will summarize their work into consciousness and video game play. Preceding these presentations will be a brief overview of the video game studies research by the chair of the session, Jayne Gackenbach. Before implications for consciousness can be considered, the audience needs to understand the state of the field both from a design/development perspective and from a culture/personal effects perspective. Following these 20 minute presentations, there will be posters and information about gaming and consciousness with each presenter.



Jayne GACKENBACH          Denise DOYLE                  Eva MURZYN          Gregory GARVEY              Jeffrey MARTIN



Video Game Play and Consciousness: An Overview

Transitional Spaces: Consciousness, Imagination and the Avatar-Mediated Experience

Dreams and Video Game Play: Exploratory Research Into World of Warcraft Dreaming


Pushing the Boundary: Dissociation and Virtual Worlds

Shifting Worldview Using Video Game Technologies                                                                                                                                   

             Jeffrey A.MARTIN, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University & Center for the Study of Non-Symbolic Consciousness HK